eMUSE: an electronic Multi-User Stage Environment

eMUSE links real and virtual space in a mixed-reality shared environment for group interaction around common data. It is realised as a VRML(Virtual Reality Modelling Language)-based networked multi-user environment by means of opening the normally closed VRML browser.

eMUSE is built as a modular system providing independent levels of implementation for interfacing, rendering and displaying the virtual environment, for multiple-user support and for attachment of non-standard, free-body interaction interfaces such as a vision system.

Any public available VRML compliant browser can be used as rendering machine. The external user interface driver of eMUSE allows the attachment of arbitrary interfaces – local and remote – to control navigation and interaction in mixed realities.

MARS Group at GMD Bonn

More information:
Linking between real and virtual spaces

Concept: Wolfgang Strauss, Monika Fleischmann
Realisation: Jasminko Novak, Frank Pragaski, Christoph Seibert, Udo Zlender
Field tests: GMD Schlosstag '98 und '99 St. Augustin; Transmediale '99 Berlin; Fidena '99 Bochum